Top 5 Gifts for New Mums with Twins
Angela FarrellBearing A Child Is The Greatest Blessing That A Woman Can Receive - You Know, Late-Night Feeds, Changing The Seemingly Never-Ending Dirty Nappies, And The Physical Recovery From Birth. And For Women Who Have Twins, The Blessings Multiply!
There’s been a substantial rise in twin birthrates since the 1980s. In Australia, twins happen in 1 in every 80 births. Out of this, 89.9% of women opt C-section rather than vaginal birth. The postpartum period (especially after a C-section) can be a rollercoaster ride for a Mother, as it is a period of healing, adjustments, and creating a bond with twin newborns.
These tips are for recovering from birthing twin babies:
- Delivering twins requires rest to survive fatigue and tiredness. Therefore, sleep while your baby is sleeping. Not easy with twins, so you might need your partner to take more time off work than a single birth.
- Seek help from your friends and family for a smooth and restful postpartum period. An extra pair of hands is critical for helping twin Mamas thrive.
- If you had a C-section delivery, it is highly advisable to avoid lifting anything heavier than your baby. Heavy lifting can lead to wound dehiscence, aka wound separation.
- Maintain a healthy diet to encourage healing. Incorporate vegetables, fruits, protein, and whole grains in your meals. Increase your fluid intake if you are breastfeeding your baby.
Adjusting to motherhood especially when you have twins can be challenging, as the babies have to be fed and changed. Parents might experience sleepless nights and longer days, which can be frustrating and exhausting.
The unique challenges of having new twins:
- Difficult pregnancy: Some of the regular symptoms of pregnancy are often magnified with twins, and sometimes a twin pregnancy brings its risks and complications. The increased risks can add anxiety and fear to an already uncomfortable physical state.
- Lack of sleep: any newborn has an odd sleep cycle which leads to a scarcity of sleep and rests for new parents. Coping with multiple babies adds strain to an already stressful situation.
- Coping up with two kids: during twinfancy, the two babies need to be fed, burped, and changed at the same time, which is not an easy task.
- Simultaneous situations: There are many difficult aspects of parenting. There are tough moments and trying stages. The difficult thing about having twins is that parents must address the particularly challenging times with two children at once for example, teething, potty training, feeding etc.
As someone who cares for the new Mum, you can gift items and products to the new Mama which will save her time with twins and will make her feel loved and special. Your gifts must be considerate and helpful in late pregnancy, hospital stay and the postpartum months.
Here are our Top 5 gifts for New Mums with Twins
1. A beautiful Maternity gift hamper that can include items like an eye mask, Gum, Milk chocolate, maternity pads, herbal tea, lip balm, earplugs, Condoms, and Soluble Fibre Sachets. This gift hamper will be something that the mother would need and will truly appreciate.
2. A meal voucher so that the new parents can focus on the wellbeing of the twin babies instead of preparing food.
3. A Luxurious New Mum Gift Hamper to spoil the new mama a bit. You can add a bottle of Sparkling Piccolo wine, Dry Shampoo powder, Rose Hip Oil, scented candle, vegan lip balm, chewing gum, pocket notepad and pen, and herbal tea.
4. Double the amount of chocolate! Good quality chocolate can lift your mood and make you look forward to a treat after a long day of back-to-back feeding. We highly recommend Bloomsberry chocolate co.
5. Affirmation cards, so that when life is twice as tough with crying newborns, she can remind herself of things like "this will get easier" and "I am doing the best that I can" and positive statements like these. Affirmation cards are included in most New Mama Kits because we know how powerful a positive word can be in the midst of a difficult patch.
Need more ideas for what to buy New Mums? Check out our range of gift hampers that celebrate Motherhood and make the postpartum journey that little bit easier.